Meet Joe

Meet Joe, husband, father of 3, best friend and brother. He had an accident on the job 7 years ago.

Joe began taking opioids prescribed by his doctor at age 45 after sustaining a severe injury while on a job site. By age 49, Joe was addicted but didn’t realize how dependent he was on prescribed pain medication. Joe’s opioid use was compounded by his wife deciding she couldn’t handle his addiction, erratic behaviour and left him, taking their children with her. She thought tough love was the only way Joe might wake up and realize who he was married to – pills not her. His relationship with prescription opioids increased as his struggles increased. During the 4 years that Joe struggled, he couldn’t see an end to the pain, hold down a steady job or spend time with his children.

Fast forward to 2021 when Joe turned 51 and he called the Segue Clinic in St. Catharines. He credits the supportive staff and structured treatment program to help him get into and stay in recovery. “It’s not easy, but getting my life back is worth it.”

Today Joe is employed, seeing his kids every week and reconnecting with his wife. Joe hopes that his story will help others not to feel alone and understand that prescribed opioid pain medication addiction can happen to anyone.

For more information regarding the treatment provided by Segue Clinic please fill out the form or give us a call today.

Segue Clinic provides a structured treatment program that helps to restore hope and help individuals suffering from opiate use disorder successfully reach recovery.


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